Compare & Contrast: Covergirl Lashblast Mascaras

Happy Fall! Today I will be doing a compare and contrast of two different Lashblast Mascaras. I would like to start off by saying that these are topnotch drugstore mascaras. They go for about $7 each and they are perfect for everyday use.
1. Covergirl Lashblast Fusion Mascara
Rating 6.5/10

Continue reading “Compare & Contrast: Covergirl Lashblast Mascaras”

Bath & Body Works Mini-Haul: The Difference Between Body Cream & Lotion

First off, I want to say that absolutely adore this scent. I picked up these items at my local Bath & Body Works toward the beginning of this month and I’ve enjoyed them a lot. I usually go for the sweeter, more fruity scents—but vanilla is my guilty pleasure. This has become my go-to perfume.

Getting to the moral of the story, during the colder months, it becomes very important to moisturize and make sure your skin stays hydrated. As we layer up, we tend to wash more and take care of our skin less. Body Creams and Lotions are two products you can use when moisturizing. Here are some key differences between them.  Continue reading “Bath & Body Works Mini-Haul: The Difference Between Body Cream & Lotion”

Bioré Charcoal Strips vs Bioré Pore Strips & Daiso Charcoal Mask + Reviews

In the past, I’ve used regular Bioré Pore Cleansing Strips on days when I feel that I should look my best. I never really thought that they were the most effective product on the market, but they made me feel as though that my face was really clean, and that is a very satisfying feeling. Over the summer, I tried the Japanese Charcoal Mask. I’ve read fantastic reviews on this product, so I was very excited to use it and see the results for myself. More recently, I received a package in the mail with the Bioré Charcoal Strips. In this post, I will review all three products and tell you which one is worth your time and money.  Continue reading “Bioré Charcoal Strips vs Bioré Pore Strips & Daiso Charcoal Mask + Reviews”

Everyday Makeup Look Using Affordable Products

The makeup you wear every day has to be subtle. It can’t damage your face and it can’t take very long to apply. Unless you’re an absolute pro, you probably can’t afford to do full face makeup when you’re running late to work. Here are the products I use when I’m in a rush and don’t want to look as though I’ve just rolled out of bed. This post is also a tutorial, so the products are in order of which I recommend using first.

1. Eyebrows


Brow Pencil, Brush, and/or Gel. I use the ColourPop Bro Pencil. It’s just $5. I absolutely love Coloupop and I definitely recommend this product. It is a subtle and very gentle pencil to fill in your brows. It also has an eyebrow brush on the other end of it. Buy it here for just $5. You can also use a small amount of brow gel if you’re worried about your eyebrows staying in place.  Continue reading “Everyday Makeup Look Using Affordable Products”

All-Natural Face & Lip Scrub

Using a natural face and lip exfoliator once or twice a week can really make a difference on the overall appearance of your skin and it can help keep your face from getting dry and your lips from getting chapped. And if you use makeup, it will make the application of it much easier and make the makeup look smoother and more natural.

Face Scrub

Use this on your face no more than once a week, it will get rid of dead skin and using it regularly will brighten the overall appearance of your skin.

  • mix 1 tbsp coconut oil 1 tbsp baking soda into a paste
  • adding sugar is optional, if you use it use 1/2 tbsp brown sugar. keep in mind that it will make the mixture very coarse.
  • these ingredients can be used to make a facial scrub for anyone. if you need one tailored to your skin type here is what to add: Continue reading “All-Natural Face & Lip Scrub”

All-Natural DIY Shaving Cream & Body Scrub

Screen Shot 2016-07-14 at 7.40.12 PMThis DIY is all about you. This one DIY can make both a body scrub and a shaving cream. You can make you mix creamier or more coarse depending on what you like when you shave or scrub your body.


  • 1 tbsp coconut oil and 1 tbsp sugar for a more coarse cream.
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil and 1/2 tbsp sugar for a creamier cream.
  • you can adjust these measurements to create the perfect texture for your skin. you may want to start with pinches and rub the scrub on parts of your skin to test it.
  • multiply these as needed depending on how much you want to make and follow the specific directions below to make the scrub.

Continue reading “All-Natural DIY Shaving Cream & Body Scrub”

15 All-Natural Face Masks!

Everyone has an issue with their skin: whether you have pimples, dark spots, blackheads or dry skin, you’re never satisfied. So many people and companies claim to have found the solutions to all of these. Maybe the solution is $300, a true miracle, or complete trash, but I would rather try to make a duplicate at home than waste my money.  Through the years, I have bought some products that claim to “work miracles” and I have tried others that people “swear by”. I turned a new leaf, and recently I have been trying face masks using all-natural ingredients that you can find around your house. Now, I can’t just push one or two masks on you and guarantee they’ll work, because everyone’s face is different, so in this post, you will find a total of 15 masks for all different purposes. I hope you find one that works for you. Continue reading “15 All-Natural Face Masks!”